
On April 26-27, 2010 in Podgorica, in the new Rectorate Building of University of Montenegro Tempus regional seminar on University Governance will be held, organized by Education, Audivisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

This event is organized within the framework of the European Union Tempus programme which is funded by the EuropeAid Co-operation Office and the Directorate-General for Enlargement.

The aim of these seminars is to present the results of the study “Changing rules – A review of Tempus support to university governance” commissioned by the European Commission in 2009 (authors: John Reilly and Ard Jongsma) and to encourage reflection and discussion among academics, experts and ministerial representatives on the general challenges and trends in higher education governance.

The seminar should be a unique opportunity for people from different Tempus neighbouring countries to meet together, exchanging information and experiences about ongoing developments at the local level.

The seminar will contribute to the policy of increasing the visibility of the Tempus programme and to reinforce the dissemination of the outcomes and good practices of Tempus projects. It is expected to produce a set of recommendations and advices for practitioners and policy makers at national level and to provide ideas and suggestions for the future implementation of the Tempus programme.

You can take over the Agenda of Tempus Regional Seminar on University Governance.

January 27, 2011

Otvoren konkurs za stipendije u okviru Erasmus Mundus programa

Obavještavamo vas da je objavljen konkurs za Basileus III projekat mobilnosti u okviru Erasmus Mundus programa – Akcija 2. Basileus III projekat podrazumijeva partnerstvo između ustanova visokog obrazovanja, u okviru
January 20, 2011

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November 30, 2010

Otvoren poziv za projekte u okviru Programa za cjeloživotno učenje

Obavještavamo vas da je otvoren poziv za projekte u 2011. godini, i u pojedinim akcijama omogućeno je i učešće trećih zemalja, u koje spada i Crna Gora. Rokovi za podnošenje prijedloga projekata zavise od vrste podprograma u okvir
November 18, 2010

TEMPUS info dan u Podgorici

Obavještavamo vas da će se Tempus info dan održati 26. novembra 2010. godine u novog zgradi Rektorata Univerziteta Crne Gore. Tempus info dan biće prilika da se potencijalni aplikanti upoznaju sa novinama u okviru četvrtog
October 20, 2010


Obavještavamo vas da je objavljen četvrti konkurs za projekte u okviru Tempus IV programa. Rok za prijavljivanje je 15. februar 2011.
September 22, 2010

EU Corner – poster izložba Tempus projekata

Obavještavamo vas da će se 24. septembra 2010. u okviru festivala nauke "Noć istraživača" , održati i EU Corner od 10-14h, u holu zgrade Tehničkih fakulteta. Predviđeno je da predstavnici tekućih Tempus projekata predstave svoje
August 23, 2010

Rezultati selekcije trećeg konkursa u okviru Tempus-a IV

Obavještavamo vas da su 30.07.2010. objavljeni rezultati selekcije u okviru trećeg konkursa Tempus-a IV. Visokoobrazovne institucije iz Crne Gore učesvuju u četiri projekta, i to tri regionalna i jedan nacionalni projekat.
May 31, 2010

Presentation of Tempus project

On May, 27, 2010 the presentation of the Tempus project "New Library Services at Western Balkan Universities" was held at the Rectorate of University of Montenegro. After the presentation of the project
April 30, 2010

Tempus regional seminar on university governance

This important regional event for the Western Balkan countries, brigding the impact of Tempus programme and a topic of relevance for the higher education reform process Europewide, took place at the premises of the Rectorate
April 21, 2010

Tempus regional seminar on university governance in Podgorica

The seminar should be a unique opportunity for people from different Tempus neighbouring countries to meet together, exchanging information and experiences about ongoing developments at the local level.