Introduction of a new study programme in Applied Electronics

Naziv projekta / Title Introduction of a new study programme in Applied Electronics
Referentni broj / Reference number CD JEP_40017_2005
Godina projekta / Project year 2005
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years 2
Područje / Scope Multi-country
Tip projekta / Type Tempus Joint project - Higher Education and Society
Kratak pregled / Summary

To transfer the existing experiences from EU consortium members and good industrial practices to the University of Montenegro.

  • To introduce a new two-level postgraduate programme from Applied Electronics (AE) for different target groups based on Bologna Process.
  • To provide Serbia and Montenegro and Western Balkan electronics and communications industry with graduates of high calibre capable of providing the level of support, which is now essential in both the production/test and the design/development environments.
  • To provide the students and engineering and science graduates with option-specified research knowledge which are necessary for improving a career in AE.
  • To provide the students and other target groups with non-technical and non-research skills necessary in a modern industrial environment, including: general business and management, engineering project planning and executing, business communication, etc.
  • To be a pilot example of a new model of university-industry based education.
Partneri / Partners

University of Partas, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
Prof. Stavros Koubias 
Rio Campus, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, GR26500 
Phone+30 2610 996427 Fax+30 2610 996818

Grant co-ordinator:
University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering 
Prof. Radovan Stojanovic
AddressCetinjski put b.b. 81000 Podgorica
Phone38181 245 873
Fax:: 38181245 839

Project partners: 
University of West Bohemia, Pilzen, CZ
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Engineering, CS (Malbasa, Novak)
EMI, Podgorica, CS

Odobreni budžet u eurima / Approved budget in euros  0
Tempus grant u eurima / Tempus grant in euros 254224
Preuzmite dokument / Download Preuzmite