Fostering students entrepreneurship and open innovation in university-industry collaboration

Naziv projekta / Title Fostering students entrepreneurship and open innovation in university-industry collaboration
Referentni broj / Reference number 544373-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPHES
Godina projekta / Project year 2013
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years 3
Područje / Scope Multi-country
Tip projekta / Type Tempus Joint project - Governance Reform
Kratak pregled / Summary

The general objective of the project is to advance employment and self-employment potential of graduates from WBC and enhance innovativeness of companies by fostering students entrepreneurship, creation of business start-ups and open innovation approach in collaboration between universities and enterprises. The project will achieve this by developing a co-creative and supportive environment – iDEA Lab network which will encourage and foster students entrepreneurial intent and at the same time support open innovation approach.
Specific objectives are:
• To set up, equip and network co-creative centres (iDEA labs) to support students to generate, develop and commercialize their own innovative ideas through entrepreneurship and/or open innovation
• To foster student entrepreneurship and start-up creation at university settings by improving infrastructure, entrepreneurial culture and skills
• To introduce and implement open innovation as a new form of partnership among key stakeholders in knowledge triangle in WBC
• To revise and adapt curricula to include entrepreneurial skills and problem-based learning
These objectives should be achieved through synergetic partnership of 3 RS, 3 BA and 2 ME HEIs, representing public and private sector, 9 WBC organisations representing key stakeholders (including students), 3 well known EU HEIs and 3 non-academic EU partners with extensive experience in dealing with entrepreneurship, open innovation and international projects.
The principal results will include: 6 iDEA labs and their network in WBC with trained staff; developed and realized trainings for students and companies, established regional Market for ideas, developed students start-ups and open innovations with companies, revised and adapted curricula. These results will provide infrastructural resources necessary to secure project sustainability beyond its lifetime. Results and best practice will be actively diffused and exploited at national, regional and European level.

Partneri / Partners
  • University of Novi Sad – coordinator, RS
  • Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences, RS
  • World University Service - Austrian Committee, AT
  • Vojvodina ICT cluster, RS
  • Business incubator Novi Sad, RS
  •  Creative Educational Center, RS
  • Association SEE ICT, RS
  • Electrical Engineering Students European Association - NS, RS
  • University of Banja Luka, BA
  • University of Zenica, BA
  • Foundation Innovation Centre Banja Luka, BA
  • Electrical Engineering Students European Association - BL, BA
  • University of Donja Gorica, ME
  • Business Start-Up Centre Bar, ME
  • University of Stuttgart, DE


Odobreni budžet u eurima / Approved budget in euros  946166
Tempus grant u eurima / Tempus grant in euros 851126
Preuzmite dokument / Download Preuzmite

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