
26 experts from 14 countries analyze the changing world of higher education leadership

 “The most important characteristic of the contemporary university is its growing complexity – of values and roles, of structures and practices.”   Sir Peter Scott

With unparalleled quality, substance, and volume, the new Handbook “Leadership and Governance in Higher Education” examines the central questions surrounding the modernization of higher education leadership and governance in Europe. 26 experts from 14 countries offer not only a comprehensive overview of current developments in the world of leadership and governance, but also valuable findings from case studies of “individual steps” and master plans among institutions.

This Handbook could not arrive at a more opportune time. The terms and conditions of university operation  whether in Europe or elsewhere in the world  are changing dramatically. Growing competition and constantly increasing demands run parallel to a shrinking budget. Furthermore, the responsibilities and pressures on managers and department heads are increasing. Indeed, an administrative act at any level has become a professional Act under managerial terms and conditions. This all leads to a most challenging balancing act — with academic goals and values on one side and the terms of business management on the other. And out of this develops a new-age manager: an “academically socialized” homo economicus.

The goal of this Handbook is to support the challenging work of leaders, managers, administrators and decision-makers in higher education. A true feat of the international higher education community, this Handbook is the perfect go-to for experience, advice, and analysis regarding the modern world of leadership and governance. All of the content will also be available on an online platform  allowing for a constantly up-to-date and multi-layered resource to serve all those shaping the future of universities today.

The Handbook is subdivided by five main themes:

A. Context and Concepts – examines definitions, guiding principles, levels, structures and mechanisms of “good governance”;

B. Leadership and Good Governance of Higher Education Institutions – offers insights into leadership and governance on the institutional level;

C. Change Processes: Vision-Decision-Action – looks at stark changes, from the stages of recognition and development to application and evaluation;

D. Leading Higher Education Institutions: Issues, Tools, Practices – a glance at the practical side; includes contributions on many themes regarding long-term strategic planning as well as short-term, daily management challenges;

E. Institutional Governance in National Contexts – offers comprehensive accounts of the most important governance styles to start; critical reflections of management in varying university systems will follow.

Only contributions from the most experienced practitioners, experts, and leaders in the field are accepted for this Handbook. Also, each and every accepted text promises extensive insights into transformations in higher education and their consequences on governance structures.


• Sjur Bergan, Head of Higher Education and History Education, European Council (Strasbourg)

• Eva Egron-Polak, Secretary General, International Association of Universities (Paris)

• Jürgen Kohler, Professor of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law, former President of the University of Greifswald (Greifswald)

• Lewis Purser, Director of Academics, Irish Rector’s Conference (Dublin)

Leadership and Governance in Higher Education /

Handbook for Decision-makers and Administrators


Price for the first set of articles: € 129 plus p&p

Price per quarterly volume: € 67 plus p&p

(available on a subscription basis only)


Raabe Academic Publishers

Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 90

10585 Berlin


ISBN: 978-3-8183-0559-8

ISSN: 2191-5989

Questions? You’d like to learn more about this new publication? Please contact:

Dr. Roman Kabakov, phone: +49 (0)30-212987-33, email:

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With unparalleled quality, substance, and volume, the new Handbook "Leadership and Governance in Higher Education" examines the central questions surrounding the modernization of higher education leadership and governance in