Higher Education Reform Experts team (HEREs)

Erasmus+ promotes institutional cooperation between the European Union and Partner Countries, which focuses on reform of higher education systems and universities. Under Key Action 3: Policy Support – Support to European policy tools, the EU supports national teams of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) in the  Partner Countries.

HEREs are usually Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Deans, senior academics, Directors of Study, International Relations Officers and students.Some of them are officials in Ministries responsible for higher education. They provide a pool of expertise, promoting and enhancing progress toward further modernization of the higher education sector. The Bologna process is a source of inspiration, in the light of national needs and aspirations. Each national team of HEREs consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of fifteen members, depending on the size of the country and the number of higher education institutions there.

HEREs benefit from training, technical assistance, briefing and networking from the EACEA and participate in the development of policies and reforms in their own country. In order to update their knowledge and competences, HEREs are invited by the EACEA to participate in international conferences together with EU Bologna experts and regional seminars on various themes linked to the modernisation of higher education.

HERE are invited to devise Bologna development strategies with peers, as well as non-academic bodies such as industrial, cultural or social organizations, as long as they are in line with national strategies. HEREs design and deliver training courses for other experts who are actively involved in the promotion of higher education reforms in their own countries. They are also involved in promotion and awareness-raising activities. HEREs also provide guidance to higher education institutions in the area of quality assurance, curricular reform, national and European Qualification Frameworks, tuning and international recognition (e.g. ECTS, Diploma Supplement).

The national higher education authorities select and appoint the HEREs in consultation with the National Erasmus+ Office, EU Delegations and the EACEA. The National Erasmus+ Offices provide administrative and financial support to HEREs. The National Erasmus+ Offices prepare a yearly report on HERE activities, including the achievements of the team and a statement of progress made toward reaching the agreed objectives and goals.


Members of Montenegrin HERE team

1. Prof. Mira Vukčević, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology

2. Mubera Kurpejović, Director General of the Directorate for Higher Education, Ministry of Education

3. Prof. Aneta Spaić, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Law

4. Prof. Danilo Nikolić,  Rector of the University of Montenegro

5. Prof. Radovan Stojanović, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

6. Prof. Jelena Knežević, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Philology

7. Prof. Saša Popović, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics

8. Prof. Ramo Šendelj, University of Donja Gorica, Faculty of Humanisic Study

9. Prof. Nikola Latković, University Mediterranean, Faculty of Visual Arts

10. Sara Arianna Serhatlić, Student Parliament of the University of Montenegro