Projekti TEMPUS

Wider objectives of the project are to modernize and harmonize higher education by development of Lifelong learning (LL) system for sustainable agriculture in non-EU Alps-Danube-Adria region countries and to enhance networking between EU and Partner countries (non-EU) in Alps-Danube-Adria region by promoting LL system as a tool for permanent modernization of higher education. Project shall achieve specific objectives as are: to develop the strategy for lifelong learning in sustainable agriculture among partner institutions in order to initiate and develop different models of lifelong learning, to establish pilot activities of lifelong learning in partner institutions, to set quality benchmarks and indicators for lifelong learning competencies in the field of sustainable agriculture, to develop an appropriate guidance and counselling services.

During the project HEIs will identify its own potential for LL for sustainable agriculture. The needs for LL activities will be identified at national level of partner countries. The case studies will be prepared by EU partners and will include not only positive practices with desirable effects, but also the risks and possible misconceptions that should be avoided in the future. Based on these outcomes, regional guidelines for LL in sustainable agriculture will be developed. The skills of teacher for LL will be improved during the training. Pilot activities on LL will be designed and implemented on each HEI.

March 26, 2018

Lifelong learning for sustainable agriculture in Alps – Danube – Adriatic Region

Wider objectives of the project are to modernize and harmonize higher education by development of Lifelong learning (LL) system for sustainable agriculture in non-EU Alps-Danube-Adria region […]
March 26, 2018

Fostering students entrepreneurship and open innovation in university-industry collaboration

The general objective of the project is to advance employment and self-employment potential of graduates from WBC and enhance innovativeness of companies by fostering students entrepreneurship, […]
March 26, 2018

Blending academic and entrepreneurial knowledge in technology enhanced learning

This project is focused on fostering active learning and better motivation through implementation of OER in the teaching process for reinforcing the knowledge of university students […]
March 26, 2018

Studies in Bioengineering and Medical Informatics (BioEMIS)

1. To develop new PhD, MSc and Spec.  Programmes in Bioengineering and Medical Informatics (BE&MI) in Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia & Herzegovina. 2. Develop teaching materials […]
March 26, 2018

Restructuring of Study Programme in Architecture to Long-cycle Integrated Master in line with EU standards (RESARCH)

Upgrading Architecture study programme into the long cycle integrated master programme harmonised with Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and the European Council of 7th September […]
March 26, 2018

Training courses for public services in sustainable infrastructure development in Western Balkans (SDTRAIN)

To develop training programme for capacity building of staff of public authorities in sustainable development, particularly energy efficiency in the cities, municipal sustainable infrastructure and good […]
March 26, 2018

Development of Policy-Oriented Training Programmes in the Context of the European Integration (DEPOCEI)

The project aims at building capacities of the targeted Western Balkans universities to research EU public policies and deliver teaching and training courses for public administration, […]
March 26, 2018

Towards Sustainable and Equitable Financing of Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia FINHED

Gather and analyse evidence on system-level and institutional financing arrangements and equity in higher education in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro; – Introduce and implement […]
March 26, 2018

Quality in Research

The general goal of the project “Researching Quality and Quality in Research – QiR” is to promote the conversion of Western-Balkan Countries research standards with those […]
March 26, 2018

Foundation of Study Program for Inclusive Education in Montenegro

The wider objective of the Project is to develop an inclusive concept at the university level: by developing a Curriculum of new master study program, sensitizing […]