Scholarships and Fellowships within Erasmus Mundus Programme

Scholarships for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Courses

Two different EMMC scholarships can be awarded to masters students:

  • Category A scholarships can be awarded to third-country masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from a country other than a European country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
  • Category B scholarships can be awarded to European masters students selected by EMMC consortia as well as to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.

Students fulfilling the eligibility criteria for both Category A and B – e.g. students with a double nationality – must select the Category of their choice. As a result, they are entitled to apply only to one of the two categories of scholarship at a time.

  • Scholarship candidates must have already obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning according to national legislation and practices.
  • Individuals who have already benefited from an EMMC scholarship are not eligible for a second scholarship in order to follow the same or another EMMC.
  • Students benefiting from an EMMC scholarship cannot benefit from another EU grant while pursuing their Erasmus Mundus masters studies.
  • EMMC students scholarships are awarded exclusively for a full-time enrolment in one of the course editions.

Scholar candidates for an EMMC scholarship

  • EMMC scholarships will be awarded to European and third-country scholars in accordance with the following criteria:
  • Scholarships can be awarded to scholars enrolled in any third-country HEI who will be selected by the EMMC consortium to contribute to the joint programme within the European partner institutions;
  • If the consortium includes third-country partners (either as full partners or associated partners), scholarships can be awarded to scholars enrolled in a European HEI acting as a full partner institution for the purpose of contributing to the joint programme within this(/these) third-country partner(s).
  • EMMC scholars must demonstrate outstanding academic and/or professional experience and bring concrete added value to the delivery of the EMMC.
  • Only candidates who have been accepted by an EMMC in accordance with its specific scholars’ selection criteria are eligible for a scholarship.

Scholarships Table for EMMC 



Category A scholarships 

Category B scholarships  

Scholars scholarships 


Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs 

€ 4 000 for a one-year EMMCs; € 8 000 for courses longer than one year 

€ 3 000 – only if the EMMC includes a mobility period to a third country full/associated partner 


Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage)  

€ 4 000 / semester  

€ 2 000 / semester  


Monthly allowance 

€ 1 000 / month  

€ 500 / month  


Living allowance (including travel costs) 


€ 1 200 / week for a minimum duration of 2 weeks and a maximum duration of 3 months per scholar  

For Category A scholarships: the minimum scholarship amount for students is € 14 000 for a 10-month EMMC (e.g from September of year “n” to June of “year n+1”) if the contribution to EMMC participation costs is € 0. If the contribution to participation costs reaches the maximum threshold of € 4 000 per semester, the maximum scholarship amount for students is € 48 000 for a two-year (/24–month) EMMC.

For Category B scholarships: the minimum scholarship amount for students is € 5 000 for a 10-month EMMC without mobility to a third country, if the contribution to EMMC participation costs is € 0. The maximum scholarship amount for students is € 23 000 for a two-year EMMC with mobility to a third country full/associated partner, if the contribution to participation costs reaches the maximum threshold of € 2 000 per semester.

For scholar scholarships: the minimum scholarship for an individual scholar is € 2 400 for a two-week stay and the maximum scholarship is € 14 400 for a three-month stay.

Fellowships for Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate

  • Two different EMJD fellowships can be awarded to doctoral candidates:
  • Category A fellowships can be awarded to third-country doctoral candidates selected by EMJD consortia who come from a country other than a European country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries. The only exception to this rule applies to third-country doctoral candidates who have previously received an Erasmus Mundus masters scholarship in order to follow an EMMC.
  • Category B fellowships can be awarded to European doctoral candidates selected by EMJD consortia as well as to any doctoral candidates selected by EMJD consortia who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.

Fellowship candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria for both Category A and B – e.g. students with double nationality – must select the Category of their choice. As a result, they are entitled to apply only to one of the two categories of fellowship at a time.

  • Fellowship candidates must have already obtained a first post-graduate degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning according to national legislation and practices.
  • Individual EMJD fellowships are awarded exclusively for full-time enrolment in one of the doctoral programmes.
  • Individuals who have already benefited from an EMJD fellowship are not eligible for a second grant.
  • Doctoral candidates benefiting from an EMJD fellowship cannot benefit from other EU grants while carrying out their Erasmus Mundus doctoral activities.
  • Only candidates who have applied to and have been accepted by an EMJD consortium in accordance with its specific doctoral candidate‟s application and selection criteria are eligible for a fellowship.
  • Students/Doctoral candidates can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship/fellowship to the Erasmus Mundus Action 1 joint programme (EMMC or EMJD) of their choice but the number of applications must be limited to maximum three different joint programmes.

Individual Fellowships Table for EMJD 


Category A fellowship(amounts for a 3-year doctoral fellowship)

Category B fellowship(amounts for a 3-year doctoral fellowship)


Fixed contribution to the travel, installation and any other types of costs

€ 7 500

€ 3 000 – if there is mobility foreseen to third-country full/associated partners


Fixed contribution to the doctoral candidate participation costs

€ 300 per month (€ 10 800 for 36 months) for non-laboratory-based EMJDs or € 600 per month (€ 21 600 for 36 months) for laboratory-based EMJDs


Fixed living allowance (36 months in total)

– € 2 800 per month (i.e. € 100 800 for 36 months) for an “employment contract”

– € 1 400 per month (i.e. € 50 400 for 36 months) for a stipend

Total fellowship amount

Between € 61 200 (for a Category B fellowship with a non-laboratory-based fixed contribution to participation costs, with no mobility to a third-country full/associated partner based on stipends) and € 129 900 (for a Category A fellowship in a laboratory-based field and with an “employment contract”)

Scholarship table for Action 2 –  Erasmus Mundus Partnership

Type of mobility  

Monthly Subsistence allowance  


Participation costs  


Maximum amount (excl travel costs)  


EMA2-STRAND1 (Target Group 1)  

€ 1 000 per month  

1academic semester-10 months70 

No unit costs for mobilities below 10 months

€ 3 000 per academic year  

€ 75 per month  

€ 13 750  

Target Group 3  

€ 1 000 per month  

1 academic semester-34 months 

€ 3 000 per academic year  

€ 75 per month  

€ 45 550  


EMA2-STRAND 1 (Target Group 1) and EMA2-STRAND2  

€ 1 000 per month  

1 academic semester -10 months for Europeans 

No unit costs for mobilities below 10 months


€ 3 000 € per academic yea (higher than 10 months) 

€ 75 per month 

€ 31.800 

1 academic semester – 24 months for third-country nationals 

No unit costs for mobilities below 10 months


€ 3 000 per academic year (equal/higher than 10 months) 

EMA2-STRAND 1(Target Groups 2 & 3)

€ 1 000 per month

6 – 24 months

€ 3 000 per academic year

€ 75 per month

€ 31.800


EMA2-STRAND 1 (All Target Groups) and EMA2-STRAND

€ 1 500 per month

6 – 36 months

€ 3 000 per academic year (equal/higher than 10 months)

€ 75 per month

€ 65.700


EMA2-STRAND 1(All target groups) and EMA2-STRAND2

€ 1 800 per month

6-10 months

No unit costs for research activities

€ 5 000 per academic year for specialised post-doctorate studies (to be described in the application)

€ 75 per month

€ 23 750


EMA2-STRAND 1 (Target Group 1) and EMA2-STRAND2

€ 2 500 per month

1-3 months

Not applicable

€ 75 per month

€ 7 725