To enhance the capacity for institutional development enabling students’ participation and influence in higher education governance through the Student Parliament, in accordance with the Bologna process.
To enhance the capacity for institutional development enabling students’ participation and influence in higher education governance through the Student Parliament, in accordance with the Bologna […]
To exchange best experiences and practices related to International Relations affairs (policy making, implementation, management and co-ordination, evaluation of services provided, communication of results) with the […]
SUBJECT AREA: T516 – Health Care The INCO-HEALTH is to introduce at the Universities of the partner countries interdisciplinary graduate studies related to the information and communication technologies […]
SUBJECT AREA: T820 – Education and Teacher Training Democratisation of Teacher Training and Teaching in Schools in SEE through implementation of student oriented methods.
300 Management and Busines. Bringing undergraduate curricula, teaching methods and facilities of FRY economic faculties into line with recognized international standards. Improving knowledge exchange through national […]
1. Restructuring of curricula of Medical faculty in Montenegro in accordance with Bologna Declaration principles and introduction of new teaching methodologies 2. Development of faculty strategy […]
T390 – Other Management Aufbau eines regionalen und internationalen Hochschulnetzes für die Weiterentwicklung des Mittelstandsmanagements an den ökonomischen Fakultäten in BIH und YU in Bezug auf […]
940 University Modernisation of Administration Services To improve the quality of the university management by developing a model of university management focused on a general management […]
922 – Strategic development plans Following the principles of Bologna declaration and prospects of joining European Higher Education Area, 11 Universities in CARDS countries propose to […]