Projekti TEMPUS

• (i)To develop regional interdisciplinary Bachelor and Master studies in Mechatronics, focusing on 3cycle structure, ECTS and degree recognition, with regard to Bologna process and with relevance to industry needs.
• (ii)To update existing and build new capacities concerning equipment, teaching materials, teaching methods and teaching staff in order to achieve quality of the curricula.
• (iii)To create an education and industry networks in order to obtain sustainable system for
international and industry-education cooperation.
• (iv)To develop LLL courses for SMEs in WBC region, in order to contribute to increasing the
industry competitiveness.

March 26, 2018

Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Mechatronic Studies

• (i)To develop regional interdisciplinary Bachelor and Master studies in Mechatronics, focusing on 3cycle structure, ECTS and degree recognition, with regard to Bologna process and with […]
March 26, 2018

Development of Business Training in Montenegro

The DEBUT-M project is primarily an upgrading project for company experts and within it targets three main directions: commerce and marketing, tourism management and EU project management. […]
March 26, 2018

New Library Services at Western Balkan universities

The aim of the project submitted by University library of Belgrade, University Library of Kragujevac, University library of Niš, University library of Montenegro, University library of Sarajevo […]
March 26, 2018

Education Policy Study Programme in Serbia and Montenegro

The overall project objective is to develop modern, flexible and internationally recognized programme of education policy studies (at Master and PhD level), relevant with respect to […]
March 26, 2018

Implementation of Students` Parliament in Serbia and Montenegro

  To enhance the capacity for institutional development enabling students’ participation and influence in higher education governance through the Student Parliament, in accordance with the Bologna […]
March 26, 2018

Revised and Updated Undergraduate Courses in Entrepreneurship and Industrial Management

T o create new courses in Entrepreneurship and Industrial Management available to undergraduate students throughout the University of Montenegro.
March 26, 2018

International Relations Policy for Regional Integration Promotion

To exchange best experiences and practices related to International Relations affairs (policy making, implementation, management and co-ordination, evaluation of services provided, communication of results) with the […]
March 26, 2018

Education of Teachers in the field of Ecological Food Production and Management

The project EDUECO ‘Education of Teachers in the field of Ecological Food Production and Management’ is to build up educational capacities in universities in Serbia, Bosnia […]
March 26, 2018

WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network “ Fostering an Integration of the Knowledge Triangle“

Enhancing the universities’ collaboration with industry, professional training and student practical placement in industry To enlarge VMnet network throughout the WBC region, bringing new experts in […]
March 26, 2018

Opening University towards Society: Linking Education-Research-Innovation

The general aim of the project is to develop and implement structural measures in universities and society as a whole to strengthen the education–research–innovation triangle (ERIT) […]