To exchange best experiences and practices related to International Relations affairs (policy making, implementation, management and co-ordination, evaluation of services provided, communication of results) with the […]
The project EDUECO ‘Education of Teachers in the field of Ecological Food Production and Management’ is to build up educational capacities in universities in Serbia, Bosnia […]
Enhancing the universities’ collaboration with industry, professional training and student practical placement in industry To enlarge VMnet network throughout the WBC region, bringing new experts in […]
The general aim of the project is to develop and implement structural measures in universities and society as a whole to strengthen the education–research–innovation triangle (ERIT) […]
C reation of a National Qualification Framework for higher education, using the European Qualification Framework, and the German and Latvian experiences in the development of their […]
To develop structured doctoral studies in math. sciences through networking WB universities in a way that overcomes fragmentation and foster the reciprocal development of human resources […]
To support partner countries’ universities (PCUs) in the modernisation and quality enhancement process of higher education by development of clear R&D strategies based on analytical assessment […]
The wider objective is to develop internationally recognised educational standards and qualificationrequirements in new BSc/MSc studies in biotechnology in Agriculture and Food in the framework of […]
This project will provide sustainable human rights education involving staff, students and university management and infrastructure. It will provide: • Modernisation and reform of higher education […]