Projekti TEMPUS

Specific objectives of the project are:

– creation of an action  plan for introduction of learning outcomes approach at  Montenegrin HEIs;

– training teachers for defining learning outcomes ;

– training students for defining learning outcomes;

– continuing improvement of cooperation between HEIs and the world of labour;

– defining methodologies for assessment of learning outcomes  for each study programme at HEIs

– revision of ECTS credits for different university units per subject;

Change from the existing approach to higher education towards the concept based on the needed competencies of students makes it possible to continue higher education study programmes reform, with special emphasis on creating conditions that correspond with the goals for implementation of the National Qualifications Framework in Montenegro. Thus, specific objectives of the project should not only enable study programmes reform, but creation of a necessary tool for proper qualifications’ development, which is still underdeveloped, as well as to help build capacities of structures involved in the system of qualification development.

The project should start from the level of institutional establishment approach toward the revision of curricula by further introduction of the learning outcomes concept, starting with chosen study programmes as pilot programmes. Next, it will encompass training of the professors and academic community as a whole, involving students as well as Ministry in the whole process. Once introduced as a concept, selected study programs will be revised and renewed against LO as well as the method for assessment of outcomes that will be also developed; restructured curricula with the desirable combination of learning outcomes will be the base for the definition of ECTS credits in compliance with the learning outcomes as well as for the evaluation of restructured curricula. Finally, a web-based database of LO will be produced for all 3 universities.

The project should result in a set of recommendations, work experience and good practice, as well as a LO database, for continuous work on a variety of study programmes at the universities in Montenegro. This will enable sustainability of the project’s results.


March 26, 2018


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