Within the new Erasmus+ Programme, the Jean Monnet Actions aim at promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
These Actions also aim at fostering the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers, in particular with the aim of enhancing governance of EU policies.
Key activities include courses, research, conferences, and publications in the field of EU studies.
European Union studies comprise the study of Europe in its entirety with particular emphasis on the European integration process in both its internal and external aspects. The discipline also covers the role of the EU in a globalised world and in promoting an active European citizenship and dialogue between people and cultures.
Jean Monnet Chairs, Centres of Excellence, Modules, Policy Debate with Academic World and Support to Academic Institutions or Associated Activities form part of the General Call for proposals and are described in detail in the Programme Guide.
The EACEA manages also six designated beneficiaries pursuing an aim of general Union interest:
- the Academy of European Law
- the College of Europe
- the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education
- the Centre International de Formation Européenne
- the European Institute of Public Administration and
- the European University Institute.
A Jean Monnet Module is a short teaching programme (or course) in the field of European Union studies at a higher education institution with a duration of three years.
Each Module has to propose a minimum of 40 teaching hours per academic year.
Teaching hours are taken to include direct contact hours in the context of group lectures, seminars, tutorials and may include any of the aforementioned in a distance learning format but do not include individual instruction.
Modules may concentrate on one particular discipline in European studies or be multidisciplinary in approach and therefore call upon the academic input of several professors and experts.
Erasmus+ supports Jean Monnet Modules with the aim to:
- promote research and first teaching experience for young researchers and scholars and practitioners in European Union issues;
- foster the publication and dissemination of the results of academic research;
- create interest in the EU and constitute the basis for future poles of European knowledge, particularly in Partner Countries;
- foster the introduction of a European Union angle into mainly non EU related studies;
- deliver tailor-made courses on specific EU issues relevant for graduates in their professional life.
The Jean Monnet Module anchors and mainstreams teaching on EU matters in curricula which so far have included EU-related content only to a limited extent. They also bring facts and knowledge on the European Union to a broad spectrum of learners and interested citizens.
Up to 20% of the budget allocated to support Modules will be granted to Jean Monnet Modules for which the coordinators are researchers who have obtained a PhD degree in the last five years. This measure will support young researchers starting their academic careers.
A Jean Monnet Chair is a teaching post with a specialisation in European Union studies for university professors or senior lecturers.
A Jean Monnet Chair must be held by only one professor, who must provide the minimum of 90 teaching hours per academic year over a period of three years.
Teaching hours are taken to include direct contact hours in the context of group lectures, seminars, tutorials and may include any of the aforementioned in a distance learning format but do not include individual instruction and/or supervision.
A Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is a focal point of competence and knowledge on European Union subjects. Centres of Excellence have a project duration of three years.
The academic responsibility of a Centre must be assumed by an existing Jean Monnet Chair holder.
A Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence gathers the expertise and competences of high-level experts (including Jean Monnet Chairs and/or Jean Monnet Module coordinators) and aims at developing synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies, as well as at creating joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries. It also ensures openness to civil society.
Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence have a major role in reaching out to students from faculties not normally dealing with European Union issues as well as to policy makers, civil servants, organised civil society and the general public at large.
Jean Monnet Networks are a new Jean Monnet action, which aims to foster the creation and development of consortia of international players (higher education institutions, Centres of Excellence, departments, teams, individual experts, etc.) in the area of European Union studies.
Jean Monnet Networks have a project duration of three years.
They contribute to gathering information, exchanging practices, building knowledge and promoting the European integration process across the world.
This Action can also support the enhancement of existing networks supporting specific activities, notably fostering the participation of young researchers in EU-related themes.
These projects will be based on unilateral proposals, focused on activities that cannot be achieved successfully at a national level and require the involvement of a minimum of five partner institutions (including the applicant institution) from five different countries. Their aim is to undertake projects that have a multinational rather than a national dimension.
Jean Monnet Projects support innovation, cross-fertilisation and the spread of European Union content.
These projects will be based on unilateral proposals -although the proposed activities may involve other partners -and may last between 12 and 24 months.
- Innovation projects will explore new angles and different methodologies in view of making European Union subjects more attractive and adapted to various kinds of target populations (e.g. projects on Learning EU @ School);
- Cross-fertilisation projects will promote discussion and reflection on European Union issues and enhance knowledge about the Union and its processes. These projects will aim at boosting EU knowledge in specific contexts;
- Spread content projects will mainly concern information and dissemination activities.
This Jean Monnet Action aims to support activities carried out by institutions and associationsactive in the field of European Union studies.
Projects under the Action Jean Monnet Support to institutions and associations have a duration of 3 years.
Jean Monnet supports associations that have as their explicit purpose to contribute to the study of the European integration process.
Such associations should be interdisciplinary and open to all interested professors, teachers and researchers specialising in European Union issues in the relevant country or region. They should be representative of the academic community in European Union studies at regional, national or supranational level.
Support will be given only to associations that are officially registered and have independent legal status.
Frequently Asked Questipons (Erasmus+ Call for proposals 2015 – EAC/A04/2014Jean Monnet Actions)