Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

These  action is included in the General Call for proposals

Applications under this action cannot be made by individual students, staff or volunteers. People wishing to participate in an activity will need to contact one of the organisations receiving support from the Erasmus + programme.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (JMDs) continue the successful experiences resulting from Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses, and aim at:

  • fostering quality enhancements, innovation, excellence and internationalisation in higher education institutions;
  • boosting the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA);
  • improving the level of competences and skills of Master graduates, and their employability.

 What does it support

Joint Master Degree programmes are integrated study programmes delivered by consortia of organisations from Programme and (optionally) from Partner Countries.

After a first preparation year, consortia then make three annual selections of students, who are awarded a joint or multiple degree at the end of their studies.

Erasmus+ funds scholarships for students, as well as grants for academics or guest lecturers to teach or research in the Master degree programme.

  What support is available

Each selected consortium will receive a grant which covers the cost of the scholarships, plus a management cost component, for the preparatory year and the subsequent three annual intakes of students and academics. In total, this grant will amount to between 2 and 3 million EUR per consortium.

 Who can apply

A higher education institution (HEI) established in one of the Programme Countries may submit an application on behalf of the consortium which delivers the degree programme.

A consortium must include HEIs from at least three Programme Countries, and may involve other HEIs from Programme and Partner Countries. Other organisations such as enterprises, public bodies, NGOs and research institutes may also be full partners.

 How to apply

  1. Read the specific guidelines for the Joint Master Degrees scheme and the call for proposalscarefully.
  2. Register in the Participant Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC). The PIC will be requested in the application form.
  3. Use the eForm to complete your proposal.
  4. Submit your application online before the specified deadline. Make sure you have received a confirmation email.

 N.B. This is the application procedure for consortia planning to offer a new Master Degree course. Students wishing to apply for a scholarship should apply direct to existing consortia

 How are applications selected

Project proposals are assessed by the Executive Agency receiving the application, exclusively on the basis of the criteria described in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide

 The assessment implies:

  • a formal check to verify that the eligibility and exclusion criteria are respected;
  • a quality assessment to evaluate the extent to which the participating organisations meet theselection criteria and the project addresses the award criteria. Such quality assessment is carried out with the support of independent experts.

 The quality of eligible project proposals will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Relevance;
  • Quality of the project design and implementation;
  • Quality of the project team and the cooperation arrangements;
  • Impact and dissemination.

 What happens if application is selected

All applicants will receive a written notification of the outcome of the selection procedure as well as feedback on the evaluation of their application. For applications that have been selected for EU funding, the EACEA will contact the applicants if any further action is required to draw up the contract. EACEA will produce a grant agreement detailing the conditions and the level of funding.

 For further details please refer to Part C of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide