Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices at organisational, local, regional, national or European levels.

Strategic Partnerships offer the opportunity to organisations active in the fields of education, training and youth, as well as enterprises, public authorities, civil society organisations active in different socio-economic sectors to cooperate in order to implement innovative practices leading to high quality teaching, training, learning and youth work, institutional modernisation and societal innovation.

Erasmus+ offers great flexibility in terms of activities that Strategic Partnerships can implement, as long as the proposal demonstrates that these activities are the most appropriate to reach the objectives defined for the project (there are strategic partnerships for the field of higher education, VET, schools, adult education, and in more than one field).

Strategic Partnerships must include 3 partners from 3 different Programme Countries, including the applicant organisation. The number of partners and funding will vary depending on the project’s aims and activities. Strategic Partnerships can receive a maximum of 150,000 euro in funding per year.

However, school-only Strategic Partnerships  only require a minimum of 2 partners from 2 different Programme Countries. Strategic Partnerships promoting co-operation between local/regional school authorities must have a  minimum of 2 local or regional school authorities from 2 different Programme Countries. Additionally the Partnership must include at least 1 school and 1 local organisation active in another field of education, training and youth or active in the labour market in each participating country.

Strategic partnership project applications are submitted to the national agencies in the EU countries. The list of agencies can be found at: