544482-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-IT-TEMPUS-JPHES “Blending academic and entrepreneurial knowledge in technology enhanced learning” –http://www.baektel.eu
543950-2013-ME-SMHES “Development of Learning Outcomes Approach – A way to a better Comparability, Recognition and Employability at the Labour Market” – www.devcore.ac.me
544088-2013-SI-JPHES “Enhancement of cyber ducational system of Montenegro » – www.ecesm.net
543662-2013-ME-JPHES “Improvement of Partnership with Enterprises by Enhancement of a Regional Quality Management Potentials in WBC” –www.eqiwbc.ac.me
544257-2013-ME-JPCR “Modernizing and harmonizing maritime education in Montenegro and Albania” – www.mared.ac.me
544504-2013-DE-JPCR “Renewable Energy Studies in Western Balkan Countries” – https://resi-tempus.uni-hohenheim.de
544169-2013-BE-JPCR “Competency Based Curriculum Reform in Nursing and Caring in Western Balkan Universities” http://www.ccnurca.eu
544373-2013-RS-JPHES „Fostering students’ entrepreneurship and open innovation in university-industry collaboration” http://www.idealab.uns.ac.rs
544595-2013-HR-JPHES “Lifelong learning for sustainable agriculture in Alps- Danube- Adriatic Region” http://lifeada.agr.hr
543898 -2013-1-ES -JPHES “Development of Sustainable Interrelations between Education, Research and Innovation at WBC Universities in Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials where Innovation Means Business” (WIMB) http://www.wimb.fink.rs
530730-2012-RS-JPHES “Development of Policy-Oriented Training Programmes in the Context of the European Integration” –www.depocei.org
530550-2012-RS-SMGR „Towards Sustainable and Equitable Financing of Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia“ – http://www.finhed.org
530213-2012-RS-JPHES „Modernization of WBC universities through strengthening of structures and services for knowledge transfer, research and innovation“ – http://www.wbc-inno.kg.ac.rs
530766-2012-ME-SMHES „Foundation of Study Program for Inclusive Education in Montenegro“ – www.fosfim.ac.me
530440-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-ME-TEMPUS-JPCR “Restructuring of Study Programme in Architecture to Long-cycle Integrated Master in line with EU standards” – www.resarch.me
530194-2012-RS-JPCR „Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and environmental impacts- master study“ – http://enerese.np.ac.rs
530423-2012-UK-JPCR „Studies in Bioengineering and Medical Informatics“ – http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/activity/BioEMIS/index.aspx
530530-2012-SE-JPHES „Training courses for public servicies in sustainable infrastrucrure development in Western Balkans“ – www.sdtrain.info
517117-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-IE-TEMPUS-JPHES “Developing information literacy for lifelong learning and knowledge economy in Western Balkan countries” http://ringidea.org/project