Projekti TEMPUS

The overall aim of the project ” Competency based Curriculum Reform in Nursing and Caring in Western Balkan Universities” is the curricular reform of higher nursing education to be in line with competence based education and professional standards that have to be met by all European Union member states. In this way this proposal fully supports the reform of higher education in the WB region.

The consortium is composed of 3 public universities in BH, 3 public Universities in Albania, 1 public University in Montenegro, 3 EU universities, 3 Ministries of education of Republika Srpska, ZD canton and Montenegro, and 4 Ministries of Health from BiH and Albania.

After analysis of current situation in nursing education in EU and WB region, partners will prepare a report which will be the start for the development of new competence based curriculum. For implementation of the new curriculum training of the staff from the WB region will be organized in the partner countries and EU and nursing departments will be equipped with necessary equipment. New curriculum will be tested through pilot project for which selection of students will be made, while trainers will be experts from region and EU. New programs will be evaluated and accredited what is going to be crucial for sustainability of the project results. For dissemination of project results responsible Ministries and Partner Universities will be in charge.

The main outputs of this project are:

–          Analysis of current situation in nursing education in EU and in the WB region

–          Design of new competence based curriculum

–          Training of teaching staff for running course units during pilot project

–          Capacity building of the nursing schools in the region

–          Testing of the new curriculum through pilot project

–          Quality assessment procedures in new programs

–          Sustainability of project results

–          Quality control of the project

–          Dissemination of project results

–          Management of the project

March 26, 2018

Competency Based Curriculum Reform in Nursing and Caring in Western Balkan Universities

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